Possible bug with custom fields in searches & issue statistics gadgets

Norman Hills July 20, 2011

I have been importing a bunch of user stories into a new project from a csv file, there are a couple of fields in the csv file which i've mapped like this;

CSV field Jira Field

Theme Epic/Theme

Feature Labels

The fields both appear on the create/edit screens & and usable manually. After I have done the import (which runs without errors) I added a couple of gadgets to my project dashboard & this is where the problem started;

1. Added an 'Issue Statistics' gadget & told it to look at the Epic/theme, not to show resolved issues & to refresh every hour, after saving the gadget redisplays & shows the unique Epic/Theme values along with issue counts as expected, however, if I click on one of the issue counts to show the issues I get 'no matching issues found' - looking at the search criteria which jira generated I see that it is using the Labels field and not the Epic/theme field.

2. If I create a 2-dimensional statistics field using a search for unresolved issues and y-axis=Epic/Theme & x-axis=Status I get the same problem - the gadget displays the counts ok, but when I click through it seems to be using the wrong field in the query.

I've run the integrity check & re-indexed to no avail.

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December 28, 2011

It seems there is a similar bug has been raised here: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-25206

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