Plug in For Customized Card View

Lexi March 27, 2024

I've been googling and checking the appstore for what I am looking for, but anything I find related to Cards is just "you can add up to 3 custom fields on your cards in your board."

I am looking to create a card view of JIRA issues where my columns are custom field values rather than statuses.

Basically, I have a custom field for "quarter/year" and it's limited to dropdown values for the year (Q1 2024 , Q2 2024, Q3 2024, Q4 2024)

I want those to be my columns and I want to have these fields on the cards:

Summary, Status, Assignee, Remaining Estimate, Progress (maybe some others)

Has anyone found a dashboard plugin that supports that sort of customized card view or a plug-in specifically for card view? I was hoping I could do it with our Structure plug-in but they don't have a card view. I do see some dashboard plug-ins, but none seem to support card views.

The card view in the boards is just too limited because I cant change the columns.

2 answers

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Lexi April 17, 2024

Anyway to bump this up? Anyone else have any other suggestions? Canvas does was close but does not allow for showing much on the card itself so it wasnt very helpful.

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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March 28, 2024

If using the swimlanes for grouping, meaning that your categories will be displayed horizontally, not vertically, then you can solve it using the query-powered swimlanes.

For example, for the swimlane "Q1 2024" you can simply use this CQL:

yourdropdownfieldname = "Q1 2024"

Or, I think the Comala Canvas app should also be tried if the approach above does not help.



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