Per-column settings for issues

aleksey.shishkin January 19, 2020

We use Jira Kanban board at our development project. Our columns are DEVELOPMENT, CODE_REVIEW, TESTING, etc.

When we move an issue from one column to another we may change some of its properties - for example, when we move an issue to the TESTING column we set assignee to a tester.

It is possible that person currently responsible for an issue may forget to update its properties (for example, a developer may move issue to TESTING, but forget to set a new assingnee).

Is it possible to create rules for a Jira project so that Jira can automatically check consistency of issue properties when an issue is moved to a column?

The examples of possible rules:

  • possible assingnees for the TESTING column are testers
  • possible assingnees for the DEVELOPMENT column are developers
  • possible values in for a custom field per column

3 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 19, 2020

@aleksey.shishkin ,


If you are using Jira classic project, you can achieve this using Jira Workflow native functionalities: Conditions & Validators. But, someone with Jira admin permission has to do it for you.

Conditions helps you who can perform a specific transition. e.g., When an issue is in DEVELOPMENT column, only users in a 'User Is In Project Role' or 'User Is In Group' can move the ticket to next column.

Validators check that any input made to the transition is valid before the transition is performed. In your case, you can check 'Field has been modified Validator' for Assignee field during the transition. If 'Assignee' field is not changed during the transition, it'll show an error message.

You need to create a screen and add 'Assignee' field to it and link that screen to transitions, so that the users will have the ability to change 'Assignee' during the transition.

This'll not guarantee that a Developer is not choosing another Developer as the assignee instead of a tester when the ticket is moved to TESTING. If you want to enforce this, try Automation for Jira - Cloud Lite which is a free add-on.

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aleksey.shishkin January 19, 2020

Thank you, @Tony Rossiter!
I'm a Jira project Administrator, but I'm not a Jira admin. And we can't use paid plugins. Are there any options conforming to these requirements? 

Tony Rossiter
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 21, 2020


You can update your workflow as a Project admin if:

  1. You are granted the Extended Project Administration permission
  2. The workflow associated with your project isn't the default system workflow or a workflow shared with another project

You'll know this by accessing the project settings and looking at the workflows tab.  If you have a little pencil next to the workflow, you can edit it. If not, I'd check with the System Admin about a solution. 

Hope this helps!

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Tony Rossiter
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 19, 2020


Sounds like you need to use workflow post functions to set the fields you want to update on specific transitions.  Here's an overview on Advanced Workflow Configuration:

The post functions you'll need to look at are Assign to Current User, Assign to Lead Developer,  Update Issue Field and Update Issue Custom Field.  

This is the base functionality but there are ways to get fancier with auto-assignment and custom field updates using add-ons like Jira Suite Utilities and Automation for Jira. 

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