Peer review comments & status

Santhana Raj Maharajan April 9, 2024

what filed to be used to add peer review comments , classify the comments and how to track the status of peer review ?

e.g. peer review seveity as major / minor, peer review status as open, review, close 

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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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April 9, 2024

Hi @Santhana Raj Maharajan 

what exactly do you want to achieve? Is it that you want to ensure, a second person has checked certain info before the issue can progress in the workflow?

You could restrict workflow transitions so that no two transitions can be triggered by the same person in a row.

Santhana Raj Maharajan April 9, 2024

Thanks for your reply Rebekka..... Yes, all I need is who's the second person who reviewed, does he has any comments on my Work items ? if so what is that severity [major or minor] ? 

how to track his comments afer that got addressed ?

Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
Community Leader
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April 9, 2024

If you want the comments tracked it might be an idea to leave them in form of Sub-tasks. By that, the progress on the comments can be tracked. 

Add a status "Peer Review" - maybe put the reviewer in an additional field "Reviewer" or just put them as assignee. Create Sub-tasks for each comment. Mark them as major or minor with the priority field. 
Restrict the Workflow transition in the original task so that the task can only be transitioned, once all Sub-Tasks are Done.


This is just an idea and might not work with your particular workflow. More input can certainly provided by the community but we need some more info beforehand.

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