Past Due Issues

Scott Stringham
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April 24, 2019

I would like to know how I can filter for or report on issues that have been rolled over to the next sprint.  Prefer not to rely on the Due Date.  Just want to see issues that were not "Done" in a sprint and rolled forward to the next sprint.

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Peter-Dave Sheehan
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April 24, 2019

You can use JQL to find issues that are still open but were at some point in a sprint that is now closed. That generally means they were rolled over. When you manually remove a ticket from the active sprint, it doesn't keep that sprint in it's history.

sprint in closedSprints() and sprint in openSprints() and resolution is not empty

Once the issue and the sprint are closed, then it gets harder. I don't think you can see from JQL how many sprints the issue was in.

With scriptrunner, you could create a custom scripted field that calculates the number of sprints for an issue then filter on that.

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