Parent Task Assignee

Richard Uphill
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April 13, 2016

Hi - as a lead in I should probably start by saying I'm relatively new to JIRA (6 weeks) and still learning.

Currently I'm setting up a small project which is split internationally between two teams and is made up of two streams/phases: a preparation phase and a delivery phase. Hours/budget has been assigned to each phase. In order for the teams to easily see their burn I have created two parent tasks, one for the prep phase and one for the delivery phase. Teams will then log work to sub-tasks as they need beneath the parent tasks. During the prep phase we will then utilise the time tracking against the parent task to ensure that the combined effort stays on track with the given scope of budgeted hours - all seems good.

The issue I have is when setting up the folio. Having created the parent tasks I have assigned them to myself as our configuration rightly forces an assignee for all tasks. However assigning them to myself means that I am showing up as overloaded (as PM my hours are much smaller).

At this point I have two questions: Am I tackling this in the right way (if there is one)? If this set-up is a workable solution how best should I manage the assignment of the parent task?

Welcome any feedback and help - many thanks.

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Lisa Zentz April 13, 2016

It sounds like your parent tasks (epics?) could be broken down into smaller stories.  Our SM/PM's own the epics (no time tied to an epic) but all execution occurs on tasking - with individual resources - within the tasks under the epics (e.g. Story->sub-task, latter has sigma time tracking that rolls up to the story).  Using the Epic reporting, you can see estimated/remaining against plan.  I would recommend adding a task for yourself, under an epic to log the work you're doing, as well.   Hope that helps.

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