Original Estimate when using Tempo / next Gen Projects

Michael Zwiener
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April 15, 2020

Hi, I can' find a way to add an original estimate to a ticket. I started to use Tempo with my next-generation projects and I don't have a field. Thanks for the help.

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Susanne Götz _Tempo_
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April 15, 2020

Hi @Michael Zwiener ,

In JIRA Next Gen projects can only be done in Story points, not in hours. Please take also a look at https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/enable-estimation/ for more information.

In classic projects, Tempo uses the original and remaining estimate information as set in JIRA. As this information does not exist for Next Gen issues, no information can be displayed in Tempo.

Best regards,
Susanne Götz
Tempo team

Michael Zwiener
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April 15, 2020

Thanks for the reply. Any way around this? IMHO this is a showstopper for using Tempo as I obviously need to track Plan vs. Reality :)

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April 29, 2020

I would like to know if there is any other options since we are using Next Jen and TEMPO we need a way to see estimated vs time logged.  Is there a timeline for this fix?

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Darren Hill
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October 13, 2020

This is killing me.  Had I known that 'estimate' tracking went away in Next-Gen projects, I would have never converted ALL our projects.

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Alejandro Narmona
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February 24, 2021

Hi, someone could find a workaround for this? I've all next-gen projects and we register worked hours in Tempo, and cannot find a way for compare this values.

Alexander Eck [Tempo]
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February 25, 2021

Atlassian has a Suggestion ticket where they announce that they are working on a change to this behavior.
Once this functionality is released, Tempo will be able to show this information in the Time tracking panel.


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