One automation, multiple projects?

Tina Leszkiewicz March 7, 2023

Hello there!

Can I create one rule that will run similar actions across multiple projects?



I'm attempting to build an automation rule that when a new issue is created for a project, it will label the ticket with the correct component. However, we are looking to do this same action for multiple projects (each with its own unique component name).

  • So if a ticket is created for Project A, it will be marked with "Component A". If a ticket is created for Project B, it will be marked with "Component B"

I know I will have to make the components for each project first (in order for them to show up as options in the dropdown list), but is it possible that I can make one global rule that has separate branches for each project (so I only have to build this once)? Or will I have to implement this rule at a project-level for each project that we want it to run for since all of the projects and components will be different? 

I tried looking at the branch options, but it wasn't clear to me exactly how they worked. 



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Mikael Sandberg
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March 7, 2023

Yes, it is possible to use a single automation that spans multiple projects. In your case I would use the if/else condition to check which project it is and then set the component accordingly. You can change the rule from being a single project rule to multi-project if you go to Settings > System > Global automation and then in the rule under rule details select what type it should be. Please note that rules that are global (spanning more than one project) count towards your execution limit.

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