On Sub Task creation, how to inherit some fields from Parent (Task)

Rishabh Jain May 8, 2024

Our tech team creates subtasks for each task raised by the product team, the problem is that they have to create it from scratch.
Can there be a solution basis which whenever a subtask is created it inherits some fields from the task, that will make it easier for them to create multiple subtasks easily.

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Dexter de Vera
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May 8, 2024

Hi @Rishabh Jain ,

Yes, you can create Jira automation to copy the field value from the parent of the newly created subtask. You can follow this sample automation:

Create an automation:

When: Issue created

Condition: Issue fields condition - Issuetype equals to subtask

Then: Edit issue -

Choose fields (fields you want to copy from parent)

Click the (...) then COPY

Click the fields then Issue Copy value from "Parent issue"


Hope it helps!

0 votes
Dick May 8, 2024

Hi Rishabh,

You can even go as far as making a manually triggered subtask automation, that will complete the copy-actions given by @Dexter de Vera if it is started from the "more" menu in a story. 

That will save your Jira Automation a lot of extra Automation-time, as the automation is only triggered when it is actually needed (as opposed to all issue creation instances).

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