Not receiving email notifications

Sushmita Chakraborty May 8, 2024

Hi Team,

Whenever I create a rule/enable automation rule, me and my colleague does not receive the email.


Our email addresses are:


2 answers

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Monika Rani
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May 8, 2024

Hi @Sushmita Chakraborty ,

could you please share the audit log screenshot also?

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Fazila Ashraf
Community Leader
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May 8, 2024

Hi @Sushmita Chakraborty 

Welcome to community!

Can you share the snapshot of what your automation rule does for the email sending action?

Sushmita Chakraborty May 8, 2024


Sushmita Chakraborty May 8, 2024

error 1.pngerror 2.png

Fazila Ashraf
Community Leader
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May 8, 2024

Does these 2 hard coded email addresses have Jira work management licenses and access to this project?

Sushmita Chakraborty May 8, 2024

yes, we have access to Jira work management and access to the project.

Fazila Ashraf
Community Leader
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May 8, 2024

Other notifications triggered by notification scheme to these issue lands in the mail box of ?

Sushmita Chakraborty May 8, 2024

Yes, we are the admins of this project. So, we have full access

Fazila Ashraf
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 8, 2024

Right. If you were getting emails from notification schemes for those issues to the same email address , then ok.

Are you sure that the email part of the automation is reached passing all the conditions?

Can you create a sample automation to just send the emails with out any condition checking?


Sushmita Chakraborty May 8, 2024

Hello Team,


I have created another task in the same project and tried to create a very simple rule (automate), the activity log says it is a success and received the email notification. Which means there is no issue with the email settings

email notification 1.pngemail notificaton 2.png



Sushmita Chakraborty May 8, 2024

Is there a email setting I need to look into?

Sushmita Chakraborty May 10, 2024

I was able to fix it. Thanks

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