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Not able to grep related issues by a simple jql with smart value

Stephan_Mallmann May 5, 2019


following situation.
On Ticket creation of a Subtask Ticket (not linked) I will run an automation which is looking for a string part of the summary of the Subtask and search a "Non Subtask" Issue with the same string part in it's summary and link them.

My Automation looks like this:


Trigger: On Issue Creation with the following JQL Filter (Update Schwachstellenmeldung is the subtask issue)
project = "TSM" AND issuetype = "Update Schwachstellenmeldung"


Look for related Issues Rule with a JQL Search (Schwachstellenmeldung is the non Subtask Issue) (I have to use the Unicode for {,})
issuetype = "Schwachstellenmeldung" AND summary ~ "\u007b\u007btriggerIssue.fields.summary.substringBefore(' Updat')\u007d\u007d"


If there is a Issue found link them


So fare so good.

The problem is that the No. 2 doesn't work well. I get the error that it expect a')' but gets an '}}'

Whats the problem here?


Best reagards,


2 answers

1 accepted

0 votes
Answer accepted
Stephan_Mallmann May 9, 2019 edited

Fixed with a workaround


0 votes
Deleted user May 6, 2019

Hi Stephan,

Could you provide me a screenshot of how you have configured No. 2 (or open a support case if you don't want to make that public)?


Simeon [Automation for Jira]

Stephan_Mallmann May 6, 2019

No Problem, but there is nothing more than I describe in the text above.


Deleted user May 6, 2019

Hi Stephan,

Why are you using unicode instead of double brackets? That is causing your issue.

It should be:

issuetype = "Schwachstellenmeldung" AND summary ~ "{{triggerIssue.fields.summary.substringBefore(' Updat')}}"

The unicode means that Automation isn't picking up the smart values and so they're being past on to Jira and Jira's JQL doesn't understand them.



Stephan_Mallmann May 8, 2019

I have to use the unicode because of a error I get if I doesn't

Deleted user May 8, 2019

Hi Stephan,

What is the error that you are getting? Could you provide a screenshot?



Stephan_Mallmann May 9, 2019

Error with smart value rendering


Deleted user May 12, 2019

Hi Stephan,

Thanks for providing the error message. What versions of Jira and Automation for Jira are you running? I'm not able to reproduce this behaviour myself.



Stephan_Mallmann May 12, 2019 edited

JSD 3.16.0
JC 7.13.0
A4J 5.1.18

Deleted user May 13, 2019

Hi Stephan,

The issue here is that you're using single quotes. If you replace these with double quotes it will work correctly.


Stephan_Mallmann May 13, 2019

But that gaves me another error.

Deleted user May 13, 2019

Hi Stephan,

What error does that give? 

We have an open bug around supporting single quotes,

Stephan_Mallmann May 14, 2019


I know that you are an service employee of codebarrel.
To safe our time I can offer you a screen session to show you the problem.

Best regards,


Deleted user May 14, 2019

Hey Stephan,

If you could open a support ticket that would certainly be easier with that error.



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