Noob setup

Steve Tuscher November 17, 2011

I'm having a heck of a time trying to accomplish the following:

1. Modify default workflow to insert "Approve Specs" between Open and In Progress

2. Send email notification to new role name "Approver" when workflow transitions to Approve Specs

3. Create new project that uses new workflow

I'm getting confused between workflows and workflow schemes.

I'm having trouble trouble assigning and unassigning a wf scheme to a workflow.

I'm having trouble changing a workflow on a project.

I've read much documentation and spend many hours.

Please help. Thanks.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 17, 2011

Join the club. The first few times I had to setup <entity> and <entity> scheme, associate it to the project, and have it all do what its supposed to...well it wasn't fun. But stick with it-once it clicks it really does make a lot of sense and makes an incredibly flexible tool.

1., 3. Have you copied the existing workflow? You can't edit an associated workflow so you have to make a draft (except the jira workflow is read-only so you have to make a copy). You can't modify a Workflow Scheme that's associated to a project at all.

The Workflow scheme maps workflows to issue types (so in one project a Bug can go thru a Dev/QA workflow whereas a New Feature can go thru the Change Advisory Board workflow). You will also need to add your custom status before you can make it a step in the workflow...then add in the transitions to and from your new step. Remember to do it all in a copy or draft of an existing workflow. (If its a copy you'll need to update the workflow scheme to use it-a workflow scheme that's not associated to a project!).

Start by copying the default workflow and making the changes you want. Then make a new workflow scheme and assign your workflow as the default (All unassigned issue types). Finally assigne the workflow scheme to your project.

2. You'll have to make a new event to do that unless you just use the generic "issue has been updated" event.

Steve Tuscher November 20, 2011

Thank you for your kind reply. Ultimately my problem was that I created a new workflow theme and accidentally linked it to the default workflow which was already in use by a couple of test projects. Once that happens there is no way to simply assign the wf theme to another workflow. One must first make it inactive by first removing it from all projects.

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