Newbie Jira setup question

Bartek April 24, 2020

Dear All,

I am trying to setup Jira board for non-profit COVID19 relief IT project manned by volunteers. 


We would like to have 3 separate boards set up for the project:

1) Hard lane -> IT developement

2) Mid lane -> Marketing 

3) Safe lane -> Finance/Operations


Is it possible to have 3 separate tables on 1 project, or do I need to create a separate project for each "lane"?

We can upgrade Jira from free tier to whatever is required, but only if this is neccessary, as we do not have a sponsor and budget is volunteer's own money.


Thanks & regards




2 answers

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Monika Rani
Rising Star
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April 24, 2020

Hi @Bartek ,

Welcome to the Community!

Yes, It is possible to create the multiple boards in 1 project. You can create new boards like this:

Go To left sidebar -> board name(above the backlog option)->click on drop down-> create board





When you will click on "create a board" option one screen will pop-up where you can choose you to want a scrum board or kanban board. if your project is scrum then go with scrum one otherwise if the project is kanban go with kanban.

I hope it will help!

Monika Rani
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 24, 2020

@Bartek  if it was helpful for you then please accept my answer and feel free to ask any question in the community we all are here to help you.

Bartek April 24, 2020

It sure was! I need to figure out the etiquette on this forum as well :)

Bartek April 24, 2020

Any chance I can ask you how to make sure that only particular epics(and any backlog tickets unassigned to epic) are visible on each of 3 tables?

Many thanks in advance :)


Monika Rani
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 29, 2020

@Bartek you can write the JQL for that.

0 votes
Bartek April 24, 2020

Thanks for this Monika! 

When I originally used this option, I ended up creating a brand new project. On the second attempt, I  was able to clone the original table in the same project - so I think this is the right direction. :)

Now, I think I need to figure out how to make only certain epics visible on particular tables!



Thank you & best regards!


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