New JIRA Install - Integrity Checker: Duplicate Permission: SchemePermissions (ID: 10101)

Bender Bending Rodriguez November 14, 2017

I just setup a new JIRA server.  JIRA 7.5.2.

The install showed no errors. 

The integrity Checker Pass everything but

  Check for Duplicate Permissions Check the permissions are not duplicated

ERROR: Duplicate Permission: SchemePermissions (ID:10101)

What do I need to do?  Is this anything to worry about.

I have hardly done anything within JIRA so far.

3 answers

0 votes
January 1, 2023

Same error on a Jira Data Center 9.1.1 brand new, and empty install

'Jira Data Center' evaluation ('Express Install' > use the internal H2 database)

Brand new install:

  • no users (other than the initial Jira Admin user created at first start up)
  • new projects, therefore no issues.
  • 'out-of-the-box' config

I've just been exploring all the Jira Admin stuff and then came to this one:

"ERROR: Duplicate Permission: SchemePermissions (ID:10101)" - same as everybody else

Googling for "ERROR: Duplicate Permission: SchemePermissions (ID:10101)" shows only this page; it's not mentioned anywhere else on an webpage (e.g. not in their[known defects])

Curious, I checked our 3yo production Jira:  same problem there.

It's a known problem (from all the comments + personal experience), but not logged as a bug.

0 votes
Schups November 17, 2018

This continues to happen, with every new installation of Jira Server...

0 votes
Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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November 15, 2017

I consider this a bug, but my opinion is not shared by all.  Essentially there are race conditions on certain functions in JIRA. They can happen when user activity is occurring at the same time you make changes to underlying Project infrastructure. My guess is that you were changing something to do with Permissions at the same time that a user was doing something on an issue that touched whatever permission function you were changing. Just "fix" the problems in the Integrity Checker, run it again to make sure there are no more issues and you should be good to go.

In the future, I recommend making changes to Workflow Schemes, Permissions and other changes to existing fields, Workflow, etc during low usage periods to avoid this race condition. Adding new fields, Issue Types, Workflows, etc are safe to do any time. You want to avoid changing something that someone could be in the middle of working on at the time you say go, though. This is typically what triggers the problem.

Bender Bending Rodriguez November 16, 2017

This is a brand new install.  I haven't released it to the company yet.  So there were no users in it but me.

Thanks for the info.  

David Holshouser
January 6, 2020

Just installed 8.4.0. No users accessing the system. Same error. 2020/01/06

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