Network settings to download scripts - Jira API

karthikk November 6, 2018

Hi all,

I have a situation. I am trying to access Jira via API calls. I am using SOAPUI software and trying to create new project for REST services. I was able to create a project but however, after giving the endpoint URL, when I click on green button to get the list of API methods available, I am getting error as follows:

We tried to load scripts but something went wrong
Please make sure that your network settings allow you to download scripts from the following domain:


Has anyone faced a similar situation and addressed the problem? Please help me understand what is going wrong here.


2 answers

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karthikk November 13, 2018



Sorry, I was away in a business meeting for a week. Below is what I am trying to do and would appreciate your help!


I am trying to communicate with JIRA using API calls. I referred to Jira website and got a few JSON formats/templates and few URLs to retrieve details like for example to retrieve details of an issue with ID - XYZ-1, I can use the URL: https://<<host_here>> and pasting it in browser will give a JSON response. Similarly, I am trying to create a new issue of type Bug and using the JSON data accordingly as mentioned in and I am getting the error as:

We tried to load scripts but something went wrong
Please make sure that your network settings allow you to download scripts from the following domain:


Please suggest what I should be doing in order to create an issue of any type via API calls.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 14, 2018

There is something in what you are doing that is making a call to scripts that were located on the url in the error message.

You don't need to be using those to do this, and they've been removed from general access.  

Can you try the plain curl commands given in the example docs instead?  These are what you should base your calls on, as they don't go out to other places.

karthikk November 14, 2018

Thanks! Can you please give me the link to download the curl command doc ? I am searching for it from a while.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 14, 2018

It's often built into Linux and Mac distributions, but if not, then you can always find it in the package management.  Some versions of Windows have it as well, but if not, then try

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 7, 2018

Could you explain what you are doing a little more?  Why are you using SOAPUI when SOAP was removed from Jira?  What is making the call to the scripts that are on the aid-frontend site?

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