Multi-pick custom field value at none?

Michele Varacalli-Shoemake
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May 5, 2018


I would appreciate some assistance troubleshooting a multi-select custom field setup. The  field was functional when I first set it up but the values are not showing up after I reordered the list and added more values. All I see now is "none".

I recently set up a custom multi-pick field called user origin so we could easily track and follow up with specific users and/or SMEs. I entered all my user names (values) as well as the default value. I also associated the field with the appropriate projects and screens (including screen placement) per Jira instructions.

Everything was working fine until I reordered the picklist and move more common users to the top of the list. I may have missed something else in the process but I've gone back several times to trace my steps and have no idea how to get my picklists values to show up again. The only value in the field box when creating new stories is None (no selection available). The field is also not visible on some of the previous screens. Selections are visible on previous stories so it was working at some point.

Any suggestions, and maybe some step-by-step instructions, to test what may have changed? Is there a limit on how many values for multi-select picklist? What did I miss?

Also, sometimes when we select multiple users (Ctrl, Click), the project changes? 

Hope this helps. Mahalo for your assistance!

Michele VS

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