Moving to jira cluster and new infrastucture

Ana Martinez Arroyo
June 5, 2024


We are currently running jira 9.12.8 Data Center. 

We are going to pass towards the cluster node, and we will install our jira in 2 news machines. We are going to use a load balancer that dispatch the load between the 2 new machines (nodes). 

So our strategy was at first install our JIRA 9.12 in one node ( a new machine), make it work and then add the 2 one. 

- After install jira-installer (jira bin) we will zip the jira-data of our current jira, and unzip it in the new jira-data of the new node

-Create a shared-home and move the directories data;, caches, imports....


After doing this i had some questions about the certificates: 

the httpd certificates are now in the load balancer, but the certificates tomcat (jks) that were on the jira-install that was declared in the server.xml file, how do we manage them? we still need have them in each jira-install? 

Thank you


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