Moving issues from To do to Backlog in new Kanban backlog

Amrita Nair June 8, 2018

I have recently configured the new Kanban backlog and tried moving some tickets in 'To-DO' to the backlog. However, I get this error.


We can't move this issue right now

We can't move this issue to Backlog. Check if your workflow allows this transition and if all transition conditions are met."


Please advise where could I check the workflow and is it OK to change the workflow. Is there any other better option to keep only the priority ones in TODO and move the rest to Backlog for efficient planning like we do on scrum boards.



P.S : After activating backlog I found all closed epics appearing in the to-do list again! I was able to resolve these by 

1. Reopening the issue

2. Marking it as done

3 closing the issue


However, with OPEN issues I am not sure how to move to backlog.

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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 8, 2018


Go to the board settings -> columns and have a look what statuses are mapped to the backlog. After you do it, make sure that you have a transition from the TODO column status to the status in the Backlog column. You can see transitions in the project workflow scheme defined for your project.

Amrita Nair June 15, 2018

Hi Alexey, This is the workflow here:



However, How do I add backlog in the above workflow? Shouldn't 'Open' appear on both backlog and todo? Please advise. 

On a side note,I tried moving 'Open' from Todo to backlog in the columns section of board configuration. This moved all open issues to backlog and only the 'reopened' ones remained in TODO. However, when I tried moving the issue from backlog to todo, it displays an error - 'check workflow '

Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 15, 2018

You can not map the same status to 2 columns. Because if an issue is in this status, how would Jira show it? In the backlog status or in the open status?  That is why you should map a status only to one column. 

You said you moved the  OPEN status to the backlog and only the REOPENED status remained in the TODO column. It means if you drag an issue from the backlog to the TODO column, this issue must move from OPEN  to REOPENED and you do not have such a transition in your workflow, that is why there is a error.

Amrita Nair June 18, 2018

Thanks Alexey, I have moved Open and Reopened to backlog now. However, I now only see the 'working' section in the backlog for moving tickets from backlog to 'TODO' . The TODO section does not appear (because there is no status mapped to the column now). 

How do I get the TODO section in backlog view so that I can drag and drop prioritized issues 

Board setting.PNGTodo missing.PNG

Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 18, 2018

According to your workflow, you do not need the To Do column at all. You can delete it. You can prioritize issues in the backlog.

If it is not enough. I would add a new status before the In Progress Status. Something like prioritization. Then I would connect the open status to the prioritization status and the prioritization status to the in progress status. 

Amrita Nair June 25, 2018

Thanks Alexey, We are internally  reviewing the workflow changes before implementing it. However, a new concern has been identified. We would want the 'Bugs' to land on our TO DO list like it is now, and only the tasks, stories & epics to move to backlog. Is there a way to identify the incoming tickets and move them accordingly (bugs in todo by default, the rest in backlog). Is this doable in the workflow? Please advise. Thank you for your support.

Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 25, 2018

You could define a different workflow for bugs and create a different first status from OPEN. Then you could map this first status in this bug workflow to the TO DO column

Amrita Nair June 29, 2018

Thank you Alexey

Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 29, 2018

You are welcome!

0 votes
Alex October 6, 2022

There is a new functionality for Kanban backlog also. Check this documentation:

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