Migration Help

Jordan Trinklein July 26, 2023


We acquired a company and need to migrate their Jira instance to our core Jira instance. The Cloud migration assistant seems to be the most logical path forward to make this happen, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't scare the ever living out of me to do it and potentially lose data.

A couple questions:

1. Has anyone in the community ever done a Jira Cloud to Jira Cloud migration? Any lessons learned or things you would recommend we keep in mind? Was it pretty smooth overall?

2. We are migrating from a Jira Cloud Premium subscription to a Jira Cloud Standard subscription. Meaning we don't have advanced roadmaps in the destination instance. The source instance has an issue type hierarchy of Themes - Features - User Stories - sub-tasks, whereas the destination has Features - User Stories - sub-tasks.

What would we need to do to prepare for that sort of thing or will the migration just handle that and map it correctly? Assuming all Advanced Roadmaps plans will just not carry over since it isn't active on the destination site.

Thank you so much for any and all help you can provide on this.

2 answers

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Bruno Benatti Godinho May 9, 2024

Hi team,

When migrating from a high plan to a lower one (like Premium to Free), the storage limits are too diferrent. So what happens if I try to migrate an JSM instance with more data storage than the current limit in the free plan? Let's say that my current JSM instance has 46GB of data storaged and the limit for data storaged in the free plan is 2GB. Will I have to delete the files until it reaches the limit of the destination plan?

Thanks in advance.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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May 9, 2024

Hello @Jordan Trinklein 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!

Your question is really an entirely different topic from the original post. In such cases please start a new Question post. Tacking a different question onto an existing post is considered poor community etiquette.

In answer to your question, as per this document:


What happens to my storage and stored items if I move from a Premium or Enterprise plan to a Standard or Free plan?

If you exceed a storage limit, nothing will happen to your stored items at this time, as long as usage is in accordance with our acceptable use policy.

Bruno Benatti Godinho May 9, 2024

Hi Trudly,

Thanks for the answer. I put the question here because it's related to migrating an Jira Cloud instance to another one (in different plans). Nevertheless, I understand your point and I sincerely apologize for the mistake.

Regardind the document you mentioned in your answer, I saw it before, but I was confusing when it says "...nothing will happen to your stored items at this time...". It indicates that I can migrate the data even if exceeds the limits, but I just wanted to confirm that, since it seems a little odd.

Again, thank you very much for your help and I'm sorry for the inconvinience.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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May 9, 2024

Are you actually trying to migrate the content of one Jira Cloud instance to another Jira Cloud instance, or are you trying to downgrade the plan on a Jira instance to a lower level without moving the data.

I thought you were simply trying to downgrade your plan.

If you are simply trying to downgrade your plan then you are not "migrating". Migrating is the moving of data from one instance to another; cloud to cloud, cloud to data center, data center to cloud, or data center to data center.

The original post concerns truly migrating the data from one instance to another.

If you are truly trying to move your data to another instance I would recommend that you open a support case directly with Atlassian to get a conclusive answer on try to exceed the storage capacity of the destination instance during a migration.

Bruno Benatti Godinho May 10, 2024


I know the difference between downgrade the plan and a migration (it's something obvious). In my case, I choose to migrate from one cloud instance to another because it would be easier/faster, since my current instance is in the annual billing and the only way to downgrade is by open a ticket to Atlassian. I was not willing to do that, because my billing cycle is reaching its end. So as I don't get too much time, I decided to create a new Jira instance (in the free plan) to migrate the projects I need from my current instance. I just didn't start to move the data yet, because I'm not sure if it would be possible, since I have more data storaged than the current limits on the new instance (free). 

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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May 10, 2024

Thank you for the clarification. I like to double check on such things because there are variations in how people understand and use the terminology.

The information I referenced was specifically about downgrading a plan on an existing site. I have not found information specifically about exceeding a storage limit in a cloud to cloud migration.

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Sanjen Bariki
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November 6, 2023

Hi @Jordan Trinklein ,


Welcome to Atlassian community!!

It easy to migrate from cloud to cloud and you just need to take about the document steps properly what atlassian mentioned follow same as it is. Atlassian team also helping for the migration So don't need take more headache.

Please find the below documents for the Migration process.

Please note , Do the testing properly after Migration below I have added few points for the testing after Migration.


Migration testing report Community.png


Please Accept the answer If it helps you 😊.


Sanjen Bariki

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