Metrics in New Project

Fabrício Diego Ferreira April 9, 2024

Hello guys.

I'm starting on a new project, with a new team in a new company.

I would like to know which metrics would be interesting to use and why.

Could you help me with the most relevant ones?

Thank you in advance!

PS: Although I'm asking directly from my personal account, all answers about metrics apply to a company-managed account.

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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April 10, 2024

Hi @Fabrício Diego Ferreira 

What problems is your team trying to solve?
How does your team work, and how do they interact with other teams?
What goals does the organization have?
What things are you trying to optimize? (e.g., trade off matrix areas)

Measurement supports doing various things, and measuring without context is not helpful.  Instead it is "waste work" and possibly producing "vanity metrics" (i.e., measuring something with no real value).

I recommend discussing the above questions with your new team and company to learn what measures might help support them, and then experimenting to learn which measures help.

Kind regards,

Fabrício Diego Ferreira April 10, 2024

Ótimo ponto.

O backlog está uma bagunça. É um projeto de migração de reescrita de uma aplicação móvel.

Não sei nem por onde começar a medir justamente pela desorganização do momento. Demandas entram a todo momento, tudo é prioridade e o mais rápido possível.

Tanta coisa que meu PM nem está utilizando o JIRA, por hora, e sim planilha Excel, para ganhar tempo.

Então confesso que estou perdido até mesmo para responder à essas suas perguntas, que fazem todo o sentido.

Fabrício Diego Ferreira April 10, 2024

Utilizamos histórias e sub-tarefas para o projeto. As histórias são estimadas em pontos e as sub-tarefas em horas.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 10, 2024

From what you describe, you may want to discuss with your PM how to improve the backlog, starting with cleanup / prioritization of the top single item and how they measure "success".  Knowing those things may help to identify what is next and how to assess progress.

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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April 9, 2024

Hi @Fabrício Diego Ferreira 

Is the Project brand new? Or you're entering a Project which already exists with data?

And is this team level or portfolio level? Do the teams use Scrum or Kanban?


Fabrício Diego Ferreira April 10, 2024


O projeto é novo. Uma aplicação mobile está sendo reescrita do zero. Antes era um site (webview) e agora está sendo totalmente reescrito para ser um app mobile. Como os disponíveis em lojas Google ou Apple.

O projeto está a nível de portfolio. Utilizamos "Scrumban".

Utilizamos histórias e sub-tarefas para o projeto. As histórias são estimadas em pontos e as sub-tarefas em horas.

Essa informação pode ser útil.

Utilizamos Kanban como configuração dos quadros, mas trabalhamos com "Scrumban".

Ste Wright
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 14, 2024

Hi @Fabrício Diego Ferreira 

What reports are useful will largely depend on what's important to your team or stakeholders.

I'd check out...


Note: This assumes the data is clean and consistent though - if not, I'd focus on improving the hygiene alongside reporting



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