Merge a JIRA v4.4.5 instance onto a JIRA v4.4 instance (target).

Sirisha Bhupathiraju January 13, 2013

We need to merge a v4.4.5 JIRA instance onto another existing JIRA 4.4 instance. I understand that we need to do this on a per-project basis. Your knowledge base indicates that the source and target instances need to match to import a project backup xml into a target JIRA instance. Are 4.4.5 and 4.4 compatible to perform the merge? Or should the target be upgraded to 4.4.5 before the projects can be imported?

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Rahul Aich [Nagra]
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January 14, 2013

The source and target instances must match by version and build number.

version 4.4 and 4.4.5 are different with different build numbers so you would need to upgrade 4.4 to 4.4.5 before performing the project import.


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