Map Fisheye commiter to Jira user

Dan Wilson November 18, 2011

I'm trying to get Smart Commits working. Everything is fine except for commenting. When I try to comment, I get the following error: "You do not have the permission to comment on this issue."

I'm assuming I need to somehow map the fisheye commiter users to the Jira users. How would I do that?

Or is there a better way?


3 answers

1 accepted

2 votes
Answer accepted
Anna Buttfield December 5, 2011

I've just done some quick testing with JIRA and FishEye, connected with trusted applications. I'm assuming you've got the application link between JIRA and FishEye set up correctly, otherwise you wouldn't have reached this point. I'm also assuming the scm committer name is mapped to a FishEye user (either explicitly or by being the same), otherwise you would have got a message like "Unable to determine author for changeset [csid] in repository test - no JIRA actioning will occur". Since its connected by trusted applications, the same user tries to do the action in JIRA. So we get:

SCM committer -> FishEye User (committer == username, or explicit mapping) -> JIRA user (same username as FishEye user)

If the JIRA user doesn't have comment permission on the JIRA issue, I get a message like "FishEye was unable to comment on the issue http://localhost:8080/browse/TEST-1 because JIRA responded with the following error: anna, you do not have the permission to comment on this issue" --- which can be solved by making sure the user has comment permission.

Hope that clears things up.


Dan Wilson December 18, 2011

Apparently I didn't have it properly authenticating through Trusted App. I removed the application link and re-connected it and everything works fine now. Not sure what happened, but I upgrade from several versions ago. Perhaps the upgrade didn't properly pull the settings over.

Thanks for your help though.

1 vote
Anna Buttfield December 4, 2011

Hi Dan,

What type of authentication are you using to connect to JIRA? There's an overview of the different ways of linking them here:

Dan Wilson December 4, 2011

Both apps are setup as trusted applications to the other. The user's are almost identical (we only have a 10 user license for fisheye and so have fewer users)

0 votes
Anna Buttfield December 4, 2011

Hi Dan,

What type of authentication are you using to connect to JIRA? There's an overview of the different ways of linking them here:


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