Managing Issues via Group Ownership

Adar Bronstein April 8, 2012

Hey guys,

not sure what I'm doing wrong, I'm trying to create issues for groups instead of individuals.

I added a group picker custom field to my issues.

I created an issue and assigned it to the "developers" group, in that group there are 8 members.

I configured an email notification in my project's notification theme to be sent to the group custom field value.

No one received a notification about the new issue.

No one sees the issue in their "Assigned to Me" tab.



7 answers

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 9, 2012
Hi Adar, As noticed in my comment to your question an issue can have only ONE assignee user. It's not even possible to have a group in the assignee field so the link i mentionned just described workarounds to make a group of users aware of work they have to do. To assign the issue individually to all members of the group you should better create one subtask per assignee.
Adar Bronstein April 9, 2012

I understand.. thanks a lot for working this out with me Dieter !! I appreciate it !! :)

0 votes
Adar Bronstein April 9, 2012

I checked and I had to associate the notifications with the default notification scheme and now notifications work.

I also checked and everyone in the group received a notification about the new issue assigned to that group, however, it does not appear in their "Assigned to Me" column in Jira. The only person who has it on "Assigned to Me" is actually me, the reporter.

How can I actually make it an issue addressed to them in Jira and not just an e-mail notification for them?

Thanks so much.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 8, 2012
So permissions are ok. For which events did you include the group custom field in your notification scheme? It should be for Issue Created and Issue Updated if you change the group custom field using the Edit operation. Does mailing work at all?
0 votes
Adar Bronstein April 8, 2012

Well they are defined in the "Browse Projects Ability to browse projects and the issues within them" in permissions.

Assigning the issue to their group means they have privilages to it or maybe I'm missing something?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 8, 2012
You should also check if the group members have browse permission to the issue. Jira won't send notifications to users that don't have the right to see the issue. My statement regarding the setting in the user profile of course might at most affect the notification sent to you not to others.
0 votes
Adar Bronstein April 8, 2012

That's exactly what I did.. set a field value of a group custom field and configured the notification scheme for it.

Didn't seem to work.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 8, 2012
Did you try out the workaround described at ? This works by setting a field value of s group custom field, not by changing the assignee. This workaround will not change the assignee. An issue can only have one assignee, not multiples. I assume maybe you did not yet configure the notification scheme or your profile is still set not to inform about the changes you make. Just check out the setting in your profile

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