Making the issue security level default based the reporter's group

MahanthPrudhvi February 9, 2023

I would like to know if the below requirement is possible or not

When a user from one group is creating a ticket, security level must be selected by default.

This security level selection should depend on the users group.

Ex: If an user from Group A is creating a ticket  the default security level should be Level 1.

If an user from group B is creating a ticket the default security level should be Level 6.


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John Funk
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February 10, 2023

Hi Mahanth,

You can't do that on the actual create. You can only designate a default security level for all new issues. But then you can run an automation rule that will change the security level based on the Reporter or some other condition. 

MahanthPrudhvi February 10, 2023

Hi @John Funk 

Thanks for the suggestion. I will try it 

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MahanthPrudhvi February 10, 2023

Hi @John Funk in the automation I have selected action as edit issue and selected security level field  but it's not showing any levels which I have created to select one.

Do you have any idea about it?


John Funk
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February 10, 2023

If you added the security levels since the last time you refreshed the tab with the automation rules that might be the reason. Save and publish what you have for the rule, then refresh the page. Then see if they show up. 

Also make sure that the permission scheme has the actor of the rule in the Set Security Level permission. That might be the addons-atlassian group/project role and/or you or whoever is the actor of the rule. 

MahanthPrudhvi February 10, 2023

Gave create, edit & set security level permissions to Automation for Jira who is an actor

and refreshed but still its not working.

John Funk
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February 10, 2023

Are you included in the security level you are trying to set it to? 

If not, add yourself there for the short term. Refresh again the rule, and see if you can add it then. If that works, you can get it saved and tested and then remove yourself from the security level. 

MahanthPrudhvi February 10, 2023

Added my account as well but still it's not showing any levels

John Funk
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February 10, 2023

Can you share the rule that you have built along with the details of the Edit issue for that field?

MahanthPrudhvi February 10, 2023

Screenshot 200.png

John Funk
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February 10, 2023

Ah, maybe make sure the Security Level field is on the Create and Update screens for the project. Also, see if you can Create an issue with the Security Level or update an existing one. 

MahanthPrudhvi February 10, 2023

Screenshot (146).png It's same even in the create screen

John Funk
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February 10, 2023

So that's the problem. Go to the permission scheme and then the permission helper. Then put in the information for the Set Security Level permission and see what it says. 

MahanthPrudhvi February 10, 2023

Hi @John Funk Finally my issue resolved.

Problem here is the one who is creating the automation and selecting the level must be in that level. Now I have mapped my self to that level and it is visible now.

Thank you so much for the support @John Funk 

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John Funk
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February 11, 2023

Great! Glad to hear it is resolved. Please click on the Accept Answer button above so we can close this one out. 

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