Carlota Vendrell December 6, 2018

Hey guys, 

I've created a project in Jira Software and I want to put there multiple boards. I tried my self. I created two boards named Board1 and Board2. Then, when I create an issue in Board1 it appears also in Board2... I want them to be independent. How can I do it?

Thank you :D 

3 answers

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Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
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December 6, 2018

If you meant board and not project then find something that distinguishes the 2 apart.

Add the field that distinguishes them to each filter and this would solve your problem.

For example all issues of type bug should appear only on board 1. If this is the case, go to board settings and adjust the filter to include issuetype = bug.

Carlota Vendrell December 7, 2018

Hi, I mean that, when I change something in Board1 (add an issue for example) it appears also in Board2. I want them to be two independent boards. How can I do this? I mean, I want to work in 1 PROJECT with MULTIPLE BOARDS.

Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 7, 2018

Hi Carlota,

As I mentioned, if your 2 boards have the same JQL filter behind them, then issues in board A will appear in Board B.

To avoid this, do the following:

  1. Decide on what distinguishes issues in Board A from Board B. (it could be a custom field, issue type, label, component but you must have this decided).
  2. Go to your board and click Board Setting(Top Right hand side of each board) > General.
  3. Select Edit Filter Query.
  4. Now add the distinguishing condition to each board's filter and save.

For example:

Screen Shot 2018-12-07 at 10.40.12.png
If I have another board for the same project as the above, I would click on Edit filter query and then update the query 



project = MTSP AND issuetype = bug ORDER BY RANK ASC //for board A


project = MTSP and issuetype != bug ORDER BY RANK ASC //for board B

in the above, issue type is the distinguishing property.

This will be done on both boards.

Save the filters and this should restrict issues from showing up in boards they are not meant to because users are meant to add/select the distinguishing property when creating the issue.

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Rajinish_Gaddam March 18, 2020

hi @Ismael Jimoh ,


Is there any rest api endpoint to get all the boards associated with the project I couldn't find one in can you please help, this will be a huge help for me thanks in advance.



Rajinish Gaddam

Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 18, 2020

I believe this is what you are looking for @Rajinish_Gaddam .

You can find the official JIRA Software Rest API documentation here.


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Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 18, 2020

If you are on JIRA Software cloud then look at this instead.

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Rajinish_Gaddam March 18, 2020

yeah @Ismael Jimoh , I'm using JIRA Software, I have tried that endpoint but do we have a JQL to get all the boards attached to a project by using project key or Id

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I just logon to thank you

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I'm New Here
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September 12, 2021

This is so horrible. I'm having the same trouble. I understand the solutions above but they are just workaround, it's not how boards and cards should work. If I make 2 different boards then their cards should be separated by default.

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CJ Edwards July 15, 2020

This is an old question but a valid one.


The answer is the filters that make the board must be different in some way so issues would show up in the board of your choice.



Board 1 filter:  Project = x and issueType in (Bug, Story)

Board 2 filter:  Project = x and issueType NOT in (Bug, Story)

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