LookupIssues iteration not working

Massimiliano Stretti May 8, 2024

Hi all,

i have several projects. In one of that i have an automation multiproject.

I have to iterate issues linked to a selected one with link type '6031558'

Screenshot 2024-05-08 151712.png

My automation steps:

1. get 

Screenshot 2024-05-08 151941.png

2. log of {{lookupIssues.size|0}}


Screenshot 2024-05-08 152148.png

It find just 1 item linked. And if log into description field this:



It write only the first item linked (OCM-2022 in the first image)

Someone can help me?

Thank you


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Bill Sheboy
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May 8, 2024

Hi @Massimiliano Stretti 

For a question like this, please post an image of your complete automation rule, images of any relevant actions / conditions / branches, an image of the audit log details showing the rule execution, and explain what is not working as expected.  Those will provide context for the community to offer ideas.  Thanks!

Until we see those...

What problem are you trying to solve by doing this?  That is, "why do this"?

You seem to indicate this rule is for multiple projects.  What is the scope of the rule: single-project for OCM, global, or multiple projects?

Kind regards,

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