Looking for a specific app for site map

Marios Alexandrou February 12, 2020


we are using the jira to track the various tasks for our software. What we want to include in our stories the ability to select the affected components that each story would affect. 

Firstly we would like to create something that we will be able to record all the various components. i.e. homepage-> editor-> add, homepage-> editor-> editor, homepage-> dashboard ->add project etc. 

And then when adding a new task to be able to select which things will be changed with this change. 


Is there any apps or anyway we can do this.



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Aylin Kohls
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 12, 2020

Hi Marios. Jira has a field called component, related to each project (I mean, each jira project has each own components), you can add your components and use that feature.

Your story issue type should have associated this field

Regards, Aylin.

Marios Alexandrou February 12, 2020

Thanks Aylin for the fast response, 

Does it allow you to select multiple components?



Aylin Kohls
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 12, 2020
Marios Alexandrou February 12, 2020

thanks a lot

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