
suyashtripathi October 20, 2018

I am unable to logout my profile in Jira, I have attached an URL of the recording.  


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 20, 2018

Video doesn't play.  Could you just explain what you click on?  And have you tried clearing the browser cache and making sure it does not remember passwords etc?

suyashtripathi October 21, 2018

No, I didn't tried clearing browser cache, and what is the effect of remember password on it, Please explain. There are many web app in which people click on remember  password but there is no effect on logout functionality.There is no option for attach a video here so I reply on your community's mail with an attached video.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 22, 2018

The cache remembers stuff about your sessions.  Sometimes that goes wrong, and cleaning it out fixes it.

Could you just explain what you click on?  And what happens (no response, a refreshed page, jumping through several pages etc)   And try cleaning the cache out so that it does not try any "automatic log in"

suyashtripathi October 22, 2018

I clicked on log out button, but it refreshed the current page and stayed on dashboard page, so log out function is not completed. May I have your mail ID so I can send the screen recording of whole scenario. 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 23, 2018

Interesting, could you check the log file for errors around the point you click logout?

Have you tried clearing the browser cache yet?

suyashtripathi October 23, 2018

Why i need to clear the cache, all other web apps which I runs on the browser are functioning properly. I am not getting your point  check the log file for errors around the point you click logout? Is there any way so I can send the screen recording so that U can clearly understand what I am trying to say.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 24, 2018

I understand the symptoms, your writing is perfectly clear.

Other web apps are irrelevant to us, if you don't clear the cache, you can't rule that out of being the problem.

I am not sure how else to explain "look at the log file for errors at the time at which you try to log out".  If there is something going wrong on the server side when you click it, then it will be recorded in the log.

In fact, I think I know what has happened, but I can't be sure unless you can tell me if anything change when you clear the cache.

suyashtripathi October 30, 2018

I have cleared my cache files, now the issue is when I click on logout, It still shows the some features of my previous page like If I was on done issue page and clicked on logout it still shows  issue and filter page, and when I do login again it starts from the previous page where I was in my last session. For example If i was on done issue page and click on logout then I login again and it starts from done issue page not from dashboard. 

I have attached and image of it. Please find attachment.jira issue.PNG

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 30, 2018

That suggests you have anonymous access enabled.  Check who has "browse" in the project permissions

suyashtripathi October 30, 2018

Then how can I disable that? 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 31, 2018

Check who has "browse" in the project's permissions.  Is "group:  anyone" named?  If so, remove it.

suyashtripathi October 31, 2018

NO there is no any name in it.

jira permission.PNG

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 1, 2018

That's the add selection, not the display of who currently has the permissions.

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