Location of actions/script/code referenced in log files?

Luke Galardi May 22, 2019

The jira log files will often reference specific actions and/or workflows that have thrown exceptions.   Is there a way to identify the actions and workflows referred to based on the log message?  Some way cross reference the action and workflow numbers listed to narrow down the search? 

"....Caught exception while attempting to perform action 561 from workflow 614612..."

The log files will also give specific line and column numbers for some exceptions.  Where can one find the script being referred to, in this case GStringTemplateScript56.groovy?

"GStringTemplateScript56.groovy: 17: expecting ''', found '\n' @ line 17, column 203."


It must be cached and compiled somewhere on the server, right?


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 22, 2019

Almost everything in Jira is stored with a unique id in the database.  Workflow 614612 - if you looked in the jiraworkflow table, you'll find a line with id 614612.  If you rummaged through that, you'll find the workflow has a transition numbered 561 as well.

The groovy error is somewhat different, my guess is that you have something like ScriptRunner installed.  This is storing a script in one of the "AO" tables (if I remember right), with an id of 56.  This one has a bug on (or at least next to) line 17, it's missing a " mark.

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