Live fields not recognizing single-select list choices on a service desk portal screen

Jay Keck May 18, 2024

I'm using live fields on DC in a Service Desk project and am trying to kick off a live fields script in the case where the value of a single Select pulldown=Yes. My problem is that when the event is triggered the value of the pulldown field passed in is always null, even though I selected a value. The screen being used is a service desk portal creation screen.

Here's my 2 scripts I'm using(i've included a bunch of events since I'm not sure which one to use).  customfield_xxxxx is a single select data type.



if (argv["customfield_xxxxx"]=="Yes") {


the trigger event is happening  not at the time where I pick the value Yes or No, but rather when I click on the xxxxx field to expose the pulldown choices, and the value returned in argv["customfield_xxxxx"] is always null. So I can't trigger off the actual value being selected, just that the field was clicked on.

This all works fine if customfield_xxxxx is a radio button vs a pulldown, it triggers when the value is selected and the actual value is in the argv[customfield_xxxxx] results.

Is there some limitation of support for select pulldown type fields or some limitation with a service desk project?

Has anyone had success trying to do this?

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Clark Everson
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May 31, 2024

Hi @Jay Keck 

Generally for app specific questions reaching out to the vendor is the best bet. I do know that error 400 tend to be user side errors so I may recommend trying incognito or something with no cache on your browser, but beyond that pulling har files and reaching out to the vendor directly would be your best bet!


Jay Keck May 31, 2024

Thanks @Clark Everson Clark. I did work with Appfire and it turns out that it's a bug that apparently was brought on by an Atlassian change. They have logged a request to Atlassian to fix the problem. They gave me a dark field setting I can update to eliminate the problem, and it worked in my test instnce but I haven't installed in production since it also turns off some other changes that may actually be something we don't want to lose.



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