Linked Issues with Story in Dashboard

Hizkeel Khan May 17, 2024

Hi Everyone,

I want to track Linked Issues against each so I can present a report that Story A had 5 linked Issues and Story B had 10 linked Issues. 


Scenario: I have created a custom issue type by the name of Story Bug. These story bugs are created and linked with the story. 

I want to track how many story bugs are reported against each story and who was the assignee of that particular story. 

I hope I have made my question clear. Looking Forward

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Jack Brickey
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May 17, 2024

Hi @Hizkeel Khan , you will need to create a custom number field that will be incremented using an automation rule triggered by the issue linked action. There are a number of similar posts in the Community that you might want to search for if the details of how this is achieved is desired. However, a bit of playing around with the automation should get you to your end goal. If you do not want to go that direction, there are third party apps that can display count data in dashboards and filter results.

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