Kanban epic swimlanes not working

Abby Cooper September 21, 2023


I've built a Kanban board that should pull in all issues from a project.

I'm having troubles with the following, whereby epics are being grouped into 'issues without epics'.

I've checked all the parent links that they are correct but I'm at a loss as to why one epic is showing the child issues but nothing else is.

Any ideas.

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 17.01.41.png

2 answers

1 vote
Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 21, 2023

Hello @Abby Cooper 

Looking at the icon shown on those issues in the "Issues without Epics" lane it appears that those issues themselves may be Epics. Is that the case? If so, Epics can't be child issues of other Epics, so they are correctly grouped in that lane.

Abby Cooper September 22, 2023

Hi Trudy. Thanks for your quick response!

Yes they are epics but I haven't set them up to be child issues of other epics - they are standalone. This is why I'm not sure what's going on...

Is there a setting I need to check? Here is a screenshot of an epic that is sitting in that swimlane.Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 11.46.03.png

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 22, 2023

When you set the Swimlanes to be Epics what you get is horizontal groupings of issues by their parent Epic.

The header for each Swimlanes identified an Epic and the cards shown in the Swimlanes are the child issues of that Epic.

If an issue is not a child of an Epic then it's card is displayed in the last Swimlanes - Issues Without Epics.

Epics cannot be child issues of other Epics, therefore the cards for the Epic issues will display in the last Swimlanes because they are Issues Without Epics.

The Swimlanes are working exactly as designed.

If this is not what you expect or want, please provide more information.

0 votes
Danut M _StonikByte_
Atlassian Partner
September 22, 2023

Hi @Abby Cooper,

Try modifying the sub-filter of the Kanban board to exclude epics. Go to Board configuration > General tab and modify the filter by adding "OR issueType != Epic"


I hope this helps. 


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