Jira tasks on Outlook Calendar

Sravani Dasyam
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October 1, 2024

Which APP do we need to see JIRA Tasks in out OUTLOOK Calendar ?

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John Funk
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October 1, 2024

Hi Sravani - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Here is a list of apps: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/search?hosting=cloud&query=outlook

The "official one" by Atlassian is a free one and works to create issues but not the calendar. 

I have had good luck in the past with the ones by Yasoon. 

Britta Neugebauer _yasoon_
Atlassian Partner
October 2, 2024

Thank you for the mention, @John Funk :) 

Microsoft 365 for Jira (Outlook Email, Teams, Calendar) by yasoon (the company I work for) is available on the Atlassian Marketplace. @Sravani Dasyam you might be looking for these features: 

To bring specific Jira tasks / dates to your Outlook calendars, there are several ways to do it. If you want to discuss your use case, you can schedule a call with my team here: Book a call.



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