Jira plugins usage statistics

Julio Valdez October 17, 2018


Is there a way to find usage statistics for plugins?  Is this something I can ask the plugin vendor (if not Atlassian)?

Thanks in advance,


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 17, 2018

No, because each App has different ways you might measure usage. 

An App providing a workflow condition could be said to be "used" whenever a user looks at an issue.  For a post-function, every time it is run in a transition.  For a report, when it's hit by a user (this is not recorded unless you set up additional logging).  For an App providing new pages (like a test management or project overview), every time someone uses a page it provides.  And so-on.

You can ask any individual App provider and they might be helpful and give you some way to look at usage, but it might not be what you want.  (I check scriptrunner usage with the script registry, which tells me where, but not whether people are running the scripts.  Similarly for misc utilities and the Jira Suite, I download the xml and look for their class names.  And so-on)

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