Jira is unable to connect to database after starting

Lynn Kaiser August 16, 2021


I'm hoping someone could provide some insight on an issue we are having with our Jira installation.

We had some server downtime and after we were able to recover the server we started getting the below page after restarting the jira service.

We are using mysql 8.0.23 and we can successfully to connect via mysql workbench using the same connection string and account from dbconfig.

Server is RHEL 7 and database is running on the same server connection uses JDBC driver.

Any suggestions or advise on what is causing this issue? It was working prior to downtime with no changes to config.


1 answer

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Lynn Kaiser August 16, 2021

jira screen.JPG


This is a screenshot of the page we are getting after starting Jira. Including this in my question made my post too long.

Thank you!

Julian Governale
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 17, 2021

It sounds like it was previously working before the downtime? Or was MySQL updated during the downtime? 

If upgraded, validate that you have the correct MySQL 8 Connector 

Lynn Kaiser August 17, 2021

Yeah, it was working previously.

Server was failed over for 16 hours or so - we didn't start jira in the failover environment as it is non-critical.

Should be no updates after we got the servers back.

Julian Governale
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 18, 2021

Is there any additional errors in the $JIRAINSTALL/logs/catalina.out file?

You could also use the config.sh in the bin directory to try to set the Db configuration using the UI: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver083/using-the-jira-application-configuration-tool-976768619.html 

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