Jira email notfications (new subject template in jira 4.4)

vadim vadim October 2, 2011


I recently updated jira from version 4.2 to version 4.4 and my customers confused with less informative email subject.

For example:

Jira 4.2 email subject format: "[JIRA] Created: (ADMIN-428) Create account for Natalie Portman"

Jira 4.4 email subject format: "[JIRA] (ADMIN-430) Add a new state to Flagged field"

As you can see in this two examples Jira 4.4 does not contain task status in email subject (Created/Updated/Fixed etc)

Question: How i can configure jira 4.4 subject format to jira 4.2 subject format?

1 answer

2 votes
Greg Redl October 2, 2011


I would invite you to view https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-25591?focusedCommentId=271722#comment-271722. One of the participants was able to find me a solution, as I was having the same problem. I have snipped the relevant information for you below:

Nancy Belser added a comment - 03/Oct/11 10:42 AM

You can modify the subject templates to add the event back in.

There are about 17 velocity template files in the directory WEB-INF\classes\templates\email\subject. You can add the field "$eventTypeName" back into each of the template files. They are just simple one line files - here are the contents of issuecreated.vm:
$eventTypeName: ($issue.key) $issue.summary

You can't take the event out of the "FROM" without having to recompile Jira, but you can at least do the above

In short, open each of the templates in a text editor and you'll notice they all contain the same thing - ($issue.key) $issue.summary. Simply insert "$eventTypeName: " to the start of the line, save the change, and then all future notifcations will include the Event in the subject line. There is no need to restart JIRA for this to occur.

vadim vadim October 3, 2011

Thanks Greg! You helped me very much!

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