Jira board thinks a bulk load is still running when it's been through a couple of days. Why???

Deleted user April 3, 2020

I was doing a bulk load two days ago.  for my sub-task board.  which I've done many times. The data loaded fine. But my subtask board has never responded. the backlog and Kanban work fine.  It gives an error too many files are trying to load.    Other team members are now  getting the same message on the same board.  

We I navigate to that page it fails immediately. 

I've rebooted and connected with WiFi and Ethernet.

I've attached a screen shot.


Thanks, jira.JPG

Steve Bailey

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Jack Brickey
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April 3, 2020

It actually likely is not still loading or "trying to load". I suspect your board simply has too many issue to be able to function. Boards are not meant to display hundreds of issues. They become unusable.

To test/prove this theory can you provide more info? Specifically, can you tell me what your board filter looks like? Can you use this filter in JQL search and tell me the number of issues that result? Can you confirm that this is Classic and not Next-gen?

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