Jira automation rule to update fixversion of JPD ticket

Sakthidasan Viswanathan May 30, 2024

Hi everyone, 

Looking for your guidance. I am in the process of writing jira automation rule to update the fix version field in jira product discovery idea with fix version value from associated jira delivery ticket.   Please suggest available options. 



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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 30, 2024

Hi @Sakthidasan Viswanathan -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

What problem are you trying to solve?  That is, "why do this?"  Knowing that may help the community to offer suggestions.

Until we know that...

JPD projects do not use Versions / Releases. 

And the specific values for a Fix Version field in a linked "Delivery Ticket" issue, such as in a software project, belong to that software project.

And so I believe you could only store the text name (or id) of the version in a custom field in the JPD project.  But it would not be the same version, such as hyperlinked to the version page in the software project.

Kind regards,

Sakthidasan Viswanathan May 30, 2024

Hi @Bill Sheboy  - I created a text field fixversion in JPD project.  I wanted to capture the fixversion value from the associated delivery ticket and update it to the fixversion field I created in JPD project for tacking purpose.  This will help solve the manually getting the details from the delivery ticket and updating it in the JPD project. 

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 30, 2024

Thanks for clarifying the scenario.  Now for some adjustments to your rule...

First thing: your rule will try to access data outside of the JPD project, and so it must be either global or multiple-project in scope.  Your Jira Site Admin will need to help change the rule scope, so please chat with them about the rule.


What is the name of your text field in the JPD project.  I strongly encourage you not to use the name of an existing field in Jira, such as "Fix Version", as that could cause confusion in the rule processing (and for maintenance).  Perhaps name it something like "Delivery Fix Version" to make it unique.


Next, you want to update the Idea, and not the Delivery Tickets.  So rather than branching, consider using the Lookup Issues action with JQL to find the Delivery Tickets and the values in their Fix Version field.


Finally, how many linked, Delivery Ticket issues do you expect for the Idea?  If it is more than one, which value(s) of the Fix Version should be used?  Each Delivery Ticket could have zero-to-many values in the Fix Version field.

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Sakthidasan Viswanathan May 31, 2024

Hi @Bill Sheboy  - I have ensured the rule scope is set to Global and renamed the fixversion field in JPD to a different name.  Also in my case, its 1:1 mapping between delivery ticket and JPD idea. I tried two options to set the delvieryfixversion field value in JPD project.  Both options not working.  

JPD Option1.pngJPD Option2.png

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 31, 2024

The smart value you want is fixVersions (noting that is plural): https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/jira-smart-values-issues/#--issue.fixVersions--

To set that field to the list of named versions from the trigger issue, please use this:


If that does not work, please post an image of the audit log details showing the rule execution.  That may provide more context for what is happening.

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Sakthidasan Viswanathan June 3, 2024

Hi @Bill Sheboy  - It worked. Thank you very much for the guidance. 

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Louise Baker June 4, 2024

@Sakthidasan Viswanathanhow did you structure your JPD Fix Version field? I'm trying to accomlplish the same thing you were trying to here, and I have all the steps the same as you, but using the trigger Issue Bill posted above is failing for me. I'm wondering if my JPD field has the wrong settings, so I'm curious what your JPD Field was so I might structure it similarly

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 4, 2024

Hi @Louise Baker 

Would you please post an image of your complete rule and the audit log details?  Those may provide context to help.

Also, what is the trigger issue for your rule: a JPD idea or something else?  (That is, what is the event that triggers the rule and where is it located?)


Kind regards,

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Sakthidasan Viswanathan June 4, 2024

Hi @Louise Baker - Created field as short text type.  See attached screenshot. Atlassian Ticket .png



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Louise Baker June 4, 2024

Thank you @Sakthidasan Viswanathan  that is what I'm finding I have to use too. Multi Input / Select field not working. Bummer!
Appreciate it :)

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