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Is there a way to pull the value from a Software Project into JPD ticket?

Louise Baker May 31, 2024

In our software Jira projects, we have two fields for Versions: the default Fix Version (which we update when the ticket is closed) and a custom "Target Version" (which we use to indicate what release a ticket SHOULD be done in).

I'd like to pull one or both of these values INTO a field in our JPD project, so users can see when to expect an idea they have planned.

I tried to accomplish this with Automation, but didn't quite get it right, so I gave up.

Any one have success doing something like this?

3 answers

1 vote
Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 31, 2024

Hi @Louise Baker ,

We've found an automation like this one below works well when trying to map Jira delivery fields back to the linked JPD idea when the delivery is updated:



  • WHEN: Value changes for Jira delivery field(s)
    • Select the delivery field(s)
      • In the example above, the automation is monitoring the Customer Name (Jira) field
  • BRANCH: Branch rule / related issues
    • Type of related issues = Linked issues
    • Link types = Implements
  • THEN: Edit issue fields
    • Select the JPD idea field(s) 
      • In the example above, the automation is monitoring the Customer Name - JPD (JPD) field
      • NOTE this is copying the Customer Name (Jira) field from the Trigger issue


We would suggest the field-types match 1-to-1 - meaning:

  • If your Jira field is a numbers fields, the JPD field should be a numbers fields
  • If your Jira field is a single-select field, the JPD field should be a single-select field
  • etc.

^ Otherwise you may encounter problems and errors with the automation.


You can also use Smart values to insert data into the JPD field as well so you do not necessarily need to copy the Jira field exactly - making it more flexible.


Hope that helps!!

Louise Baker May 31, 2024

Thanks! This is helpful. I am having issues using the trigger parent field, as since its a "Version" field, there is not a corresponding field in JPD. I believe that's the root of the issue I first experienced, and your message here helped me realize why I am having that issue.
Thanks! :)

Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 31, 2024

It may still be possible, but I think will depend on how your "Version" field is being parsed.

I don't believe my Jira instance has a "Version" field specifically, but does have a Fix Version field which I'm assuming might be similar.

When using the Get Issue API on a Jira issue that has the Fix Version field configured, I noticed it's an array:



I know the Labels field is also an array field - so I configured a similar automation (to what I previously shared), and used a Smart value to enter the Fix Version value into the Label field of the idea:






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Louise Baker May 31, 2024

Thank you!! I'm getting a little closer. Had it fail, but I'll keep poking. THanks so much

Anthony C June 6, 2024

Hi Nick, a question for you if I may ask: in your opinion, theoretically I should be able to pull a JPD issue fields into a Jira Work Management or a Jira Software issue fields right? (I am trying to use multiple JPD projects that can be overseen in a high level Jira Work Management project).

Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 7, 2024

Hi @Anthony C ,

Yes, it should be possible (through automation) to pull JPD fields into a Jira and/or JWM fields.

Are you facing and issues trying to do so?

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0 votes
Anthony C June 7, 2024

Hi @Nick H

I am simply new to the Atlassian world, and when I asked some of your colleagues how I can get a portfolio view of separate JPD projects (separate because I am being asked to keep info from the each individual projects separate from the users of the other JPD projects), I was told that that was not possible.

I haven't had a chance to play with the automations but will do so later today! I assume I can only pull fields that are common between the 2 project types (JPD vs Jira Software or Jira Work Management - so I wouldn't be able to pull a custom formula field from JOD into a number field in Jira Work Management right?

I was looking at in the Jira Marketplace, or simply opening a Jira Software or a Jira Work Management project and pulling in issues from various JPD projects, however maybe I will need to use automations to pull the fields I want.

0 votes
Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 31, 2024

Hi @Louise Baker 

For a question like this, please post an image of your complete automation rule, images of any relevant actions / conditions / branches, an image of the audit log details showing the rule execution, and explain what is not working as expected.  Those will provide context for the community to offer ideas.  Thanks!

Until we see those...

Please see this question from yesterday which seems quite similar to yours.  I added some suggestions to that one for how to get the data from the "Delivery Tickets" to the JPD idea.

Kind regards,

Louise Baker May 31, 2024

Thanks for your response - however I don't have an automation to show as i couldn't ever get it to work, so I simply deleted the step :)

I"ll update the main column to include the custom field names though.. maybe that might help?

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 31, 2024

Please review that other post, as it outlines what is needed to sync this field between the projects, including:

  • adding the custom fields to the JPD project
  • making the rule global, or multiple-project in scope
  • accessing the issues by the links, such as "implements" and "is implemented by" depending upon the direction
  • deciding what to do when there are multiple Delivery Tickets, each with potentially multiple values in the Fix Version field

Also please note: this information could be the names of the versions, but it will not be the actual versions in the implementation project.

Louise Baker June 4, 2024

Hi Bill - Sorry for the delay. Here is the full workflow:

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 4.33.51 PM.png


For that last step, that's where I"m having issues. For JPD, I tried a Single Select at first, which was obviously wrong as Fix Versions can be multi select. I then tried multi-select field in JPD project, and still nada. Finally, I gave up and just did a short text, which fills it, but unideal as I'd rather it be an option that can be filtered on. oh well.
Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 4.33.58 PM.png

If thetrigger issue has Fix Version of 9.1, then the new custom field in JPD's value is [9.1].
Likewise, if its 9.1 and 9.3, then the value in JPD is [9.1,9.3]
I can't get it to display w/o the [ ] wrap.


Lastly, the error I'm getting when the custom field is not a text (but is a multi-select field type) is:

Error editing issues
IDEA-180 (Specify the value for Version Released in an array (Version Released))
Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 5, 2024

Hi @Louise Baker  ,

Mapping to single/multi-select fields is a bit tricky. As far as I know - Automations do not have the functionality to create new values/options within one of these field-types.

Unless the value/option (9.1, 9.3, etc.) already exists within these field-types when mapping via automation, you will face errors like the one you mentioned.

It may be possible through an API request, but not through the method you shared.


As for extracting the value within [ ] , try something like this using string processing:



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Louise Baker June 5, 2024

Thank you Nick! I'm glad to know it wasn't a "me" issue and just a limitation. Appreciate all the help you and Bill have given!

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