Jira automatic upgrade without using standalone installer?

Timothy Horne
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August 18, 2011

To make use of the new automatic upgrade function, do we have to use the standalone installer? Will the automatic upgrade not work if we're using the stock tomcat from RHEL and the war file instead?


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Atlassian Team
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March 4, 2013

Hi Timothy,

I believe your assumption is true, and according to the matrix shown below, it only offers to standalone installer.


For WAR installation, users need to upgrade their Jira instance using the manual method.


Hope this clarifies and cheers :)

Timothy Horne
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 20, 2013


We've upgraded several times since this question was posted. I didn't realize that I had even asked it. It didn't matter anyway, at the time, because automatic upgrade wasn't a feature with the version we had installed. And we were using the standalone version, not the WAR version.

If I could delete the question, I would do so. It is irrelevant now.



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