Jira Timeline planning Automation

Nikita Vlasov
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January 22, 2025

I'm trying to achieve the planning of the timeline with Jira Automations.
The goal I want to achieve is (recurring task with a CRON job - everyday at set time):

  1. Automation takes a task to process (Only tasks that have Epic (parent), have timeoriginalestimate field (not custom) and is the Status "To Do")
  2. Grab it's Epic (parent) and calculate the maximum "Due Date" from all of it's children - maxEpicDueDate
  3. Calculate "Start Date" of the triggered issue with next steps:
    • IF Today is greater or equals to maxEpicDueDate, then issue.Start Date should be set to Next business day from Today
    • IF Today is less then maxEpicDueDate, then issue.Start Date should be set to Next business day from maxEpicDueDate
    • it should be capable of monitoring what was the previous task to be able to set next one to the next business day after previous so no issues will overlap
  4. Calculate the "Due Date" of the triggered issue with next steps:
    • calculate the amount of days needed to complete the issue based on a Start Date from previous step and the timeoriginalestimate

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Duc Thang TRAN
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January 22, 2025

Hello @Nikita Vlasov 

This is not fully helpful, but I suggest using these smart values through this link: https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/jira-smart-values-date-and-time/.

Normally, you have everything you need there. It means you can compare dates ,business days, add or subtract dates, etc.

For the max or min value of an epic, you can use the 'lookup issue' smart value.


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