Jira Structure Dependency Formulas & Background Formatting

Becky Brignall April 13, 2022

I would like to:

  • Add a formula which show tickets which have a specific issue link type of 'Cross Pod Dependency.' I wish to show both outward and inward (source & destination) dependencies.
  • Then I with to colour the background of this cell.

So far I have this formula but I do not know how to colour the background of the cell?


issuelinks .FILTER($.type = 'Cross Pod Dependency' AND $.source = this)



Jira Support Colour Formatting.png

2 answers

1 vote
David Niro
Atlassian Partner
April 13, 2022

Hi @Becky Brignall !

I can help with this :)

We will want to use the background color (panel) functionality of Wiki Markup.  In the formula below, I've taken your original formula and saved it as a local variable (issuelinks_filter) using WITH.  The second part of the formula adds the background color to the results of the first.

WITH issuelinks_filter = issuelinks
.FILTER($.type = 'Cross Pod Dependency' AND $.source = this):


You can adjust the bgColor by changing the Hex# (#ADFF2F).  I like to use this page , to pick the color I want and then just copy and paste the Hex value.

Let me know if this helps!


Becky Brignall April 19, 2022

Thank you. I notice a grey line on the left and right of the panel, any idea why or how to remove? thanks again.

Becky Brignall April 19, 2022

Grey left and right border.PNG

David Niro
Atlassian Partner
April 19, 2022

Hi @Becky Brignall ,

You're very welcome!  You can change the color of the border to white.  It will still be there, but you won't see it, since it blends. in with the background.  It will look like this:

with issuelinks_filter = issuelinks 
FILTER($.type = 'Cross Pod Dependency' AND $.source = this):

Let me know if it helps!


Becky Brignall July 6, 2022

Hello @David Niro 

At the moment its displaying <ticket number> Arrow <ticket number>

is is possible to also show the ticket summary e.g. <ticket number><ticket summary> Arrow <ticket number><ticket summary>.

We have hundreds of dependencies so only showing the ticket number / key is not great for us as we need to click on every single one to see what the ticket is.

Thank you.

David Niro
Atlassian Partner
July 6, 2022

Hello @Becky Brignall ,

Do any of the issues return more than one result?  If they only return one result, modifying the formula in the following way should help:

with issuelinks_filter = issuelinks 
$.type = 'Cross Pod Dependency' AND $.source = this
IF issuelinks_filter:

If there can be more than one result, you will find that all of the Numbers will be listed together and then all of the Summaries will be listed together.

Please let me know if this helps.

Best Regards,

Bradley Davidson July 31, 2024

@David Niro is there a way to extend this so that it can highlight if a Due Date or Fix Version Date on the dependent item is after the primary items due date of fix version date?

0 votes
Becky Brignall April 13, 2022

@David Niro is this something you may be able to help me with? Many Thanks, Becky - Expedia

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