Jira Product Discovery GANTT Chart Help

Cody Andres Alessio-Bunnell
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June 27, 2024

Hello! My team recently invested in Jira Product Discovery and we are currently working to onboard our information from excel. One thing we are having trouble with is transcribing a Gantt chart with highlighted key dates onto JPD. We are aware of the basic timeline view; however, we find it somewhat bland and unable to highlight key dates. Are there any tips/tricks to customize the timeline into more of a Gantt chart, or is there anything else that we could use within JPD?

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Walter Buggenhout
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June 29, 2024

Hi @Cody Andres Alessio-Bunnell and welcome to the Community!

The timeline view in JPD is not a Gantt chart and it does not have the ambition to become one. It is intended to create an overview of the (bigger) ideas on your product roadmap and to prepare those for delivery, but without including those details here.

Once you start working on the implementation of your ideas, Jira is the place to create your delivery roadmap. The timeline view in a single Jira project or the Plans features from the premium plan - although still not a Gantt chart, but rather a roadmap view that already has the capability to display both timelines and dependencies - may already be a good step in the desired direction.

If you really want classic gantt chart capabilities, the Atlassian Marketplace offers a lot of apps extending Jira's core functionality. My advice is usually to think a bit beyond just the idea you have of a gantt chart, why you would really need it and - more fundamentally - take a close look at the way your team(s) plan and track work to meet goals and deadlines.

Hope this helps! 

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