Jira Http Request to create Jira task.

Pravin.Gumgaonkar November 10, 2023

Hi Team Greetings, 


Hello, I'm trying to create issue with Jira Cloud Rest API, but I'm not sure why I got this error but every time i am getting the same error as below.

"You don't have permission to create issue in this project" when trying to create issue


Below is code with Authentication  method 

URL : https://<<>>.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/

Body : {
"fields": {
"summary": "Summit 2023 is awesome!",
"issuetype": {
"name": "Task"
"project": {
"key": "<<>>"
"description": {
"type": "text",
"version": 1,
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"text": "This is the description.",
"type": "text"


Authentication : Raw and passing the value as "Basic <<Created Jira API token>>". 


Can you please suggest what need to do in that case? 



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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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November 10, 2023

Hi @Pravin.Gumgaonkar and welcome,

please verify that user used in that call can create issue in the target project (Project Permission Scheme -> Create Issue permission)

Hope this helps,


Pravin.Gumgaonkar November 10, 2023

Yes, I have the access please find below screen shot for the reference. 


Apart from these do i need to configure the more permission, please suggest.  Screenshot 2023-11-10 201138.png

Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 10, 2023

hey @Pravin.Gumgaonkar , is the api token associated to your user?

Pravin.Gumgaonkar November 10, 2023

Yes. I made an API token and used it with an HTTP request. Please share your thoughts on this section.

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