Jenkins for Jira is detecting builds but isn't pulling issue IDs from branch names or commit message

Bo Roth July 6, 2022

I've configured Jenkins for Jira on both the Jenkins side and the Jira side, and I'm able to see builds coming through in the Manage Apps section in Jira, however, the branch name for the PR, title of the PR, and commit IDs doesn't seem to be getting seen because I don't see anything in the Development section of the individual tickets:

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On the jenkins side, I have a multi-branch pipeline that watches PRs on github and runs checks/tests when PRs are created/updated. As far as I can tell, the documentation says "The development panel on your Jira issues will update to show any associated build and deployment information, as long as your team is including issue keys in their pull requests, commit messages, and branch names.", so I'm not sure if I'm missing something. In all of these PRs, the issue key is in the PR title, branch name, and also in commit messages associated with that PR/branch.


Has anyone run into this issue before?


3 answers

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Mark Rekveld - Marvelution
Atlassian Partner
November 17, 2023

I have seen similar issues myself as well. Also for the Jenkins Integration for Jira app I develop.

Some times the commit messages itself are not processed as expected so even is developers add the issue keys to commit messages.

There for I opted to extend searching for issues key to other elements as well like job names, urls and other common places where issue keys can be found in Jenkins.

If I'm not mistaken the plugin of Atlassian only looks in the commit messages this could be  a reason for not seeing the builds show up.

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I'm New Here
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August 4, 2022

We're facing the same problem on the first run of the jenkins build for PR builds. The problem I believe is due to the PR branch itself which is created by the multipipeline jenkins plugin being identified as a Jira Issue Key, i.e. PR-223. 

Unfortunately, I do not see a way to override the `issueKey` pattern for the Jira Software Cloud Plugin.

I'm New Here
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November 17, 2023

We also have this problem on the first run of the jenkins build.

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Naveed Nadjmabadi
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July 20, 2022

We're also experiencing this issue at our company, where the issue_keys are in the pull-request as commit messages and in branch names, but nothing is showing up.

For us, the issue is happening in the Jenkins pipeline. We us the Jenkins Jira Cloud Plugin, and on the jiraSendDeploymentInfo step, we recieve this error: 


The plugin itself is open source, but I haven't had the time / resources to identify where this bug is happening.

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