Jelly: How to add atrribute isArchieved in add version jelly script?

Renuka Patil January 5, 2012

Hello All,

I wanted to add the large no of external versions to a "JIRA Project". I am using jelly script to add it.

Now I have the information regarding those versions that they are archived or not.

I wanted to add this attribute in the jelly script. As this attribute is not there in documentation of Jelly.

Can anyone please tell how add that attribute or is there any other way to add versions??

Please help me on this,

Thanks & Regards,


3 answers

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Renuka Patil February 28, 2012

Hello All,

My problem is solved now. I used following statements to persist that version's value in the database.

<core:invoke on="${versionManager}" method="getVersion" var="version">
    <core:arg type="java.lang.Long" value="Project id from jira"/> <!-- Project id for the version -->
    <core:arg type="java.lang.String" value="Your version name"/> <!-- version name -->
1 vote
Renuka Patil January 9, 2012

Hello All,

For above my concern, about make version Archieved. I have written customised jelly scripts.

But now my problem is that value is not persisting in the database. IF I make any changes in the manage versions those versions which I have archieved using jelly script that are will become unarchieve.

Can any one please give solution of my concern??

Please its urgent !!!

Renuka Patil February 23, 2012

Hello All,

My problem is solved now. I used following statements to persist that version's value in the database.

<core:invoke on="${versionManager}" method="getVersion" var="version">
    <core:arg type="java.lang.Long" value="Project id from jira"/> <!-- Project id for the version -->
    <core:arg type="java.lang.String" value="Your version name"/> <!-- version name -->

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January 10, 2012

Hi Renu ,

which method you are using to archive/unarchive your versions ? Can you provide your script ? you can use the archiveVersion(Version version, boolean archive) of the VersionManager interface .

Renuka Patil January 11, 2012

Hi Mizan,

I was using the method setArchieved method from Version interface. I will try the method you mentioned above.



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