JQL workratio query

Kanhaas February 14, 2019

Hi i am using the following query for overtime issues.


workRatio > 110 AND project in (ES) AND Sprint in (3834, 3835, 3836)


The results are as expected, But i am missing an issue that also exceeds the budget, this issue contains subtasks.

Time Tracking

1d 4h
1d 5h 14m

Include sub-tasks



Gr. Aswin


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Tarun Sapra
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February 14, 2019

Hello @Kanhaas

Do you mean you expect to see the sub-tasks as well for the returned issues?

Kanhaas February 14, 2019

Hi, not the subtask itself.

But i am missing a ticket that is greater than the orginal estimate. This ticket contains subtasks as childs. 

With the jql query as mentioned above, the main story is not shown as result, but it meets the jql query

Kanhaas February 18, 2019

Hello, can you please help me...

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