JQL to Locate Sub-Tasks in a Parent Task for Dashboard in Jira

Rodrigo Xavier April 29, 2024

Hello, everyone.

I am trying to find a way to locate all the sub-tasks of a specific "parent" task in Jira using JQL. I would like to create a JQL filter that allows me to view only these sub-tasks. This filter will be used for the creation of a dashboard.

Currently, I am using a JQL filter similar to the following for my queries:

project = "PROJECT_NAME" AND component in (Audit)) AND ((resolution = unresolved)) and summary ~ "SUMMARY"

I know it is possible to locate sub-tasks using plugins such as Advanced Roadmaps or ScriptRunner, which allow the use of the issueFunction clause in JQL. However, I currently do not have these plugins installed in my Jira instance.

Is there any other way to do this using only standard JQL, without the need for additional plugins? Any help or guidance would be very welcome.

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Trudy Claspill
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April 29, 2024

Hello @Rodrigo Xavier 

Do you want to get subtasks for a single, explicitly identified parent issue? Do you have the issue key for that issue? If so, then you can get the subtasks using the JQL:

parent=<issue key>

If instead you want to use a query like the one you posted to dynamically get a list of parent issues, and then get all the subtasks for those, that will not be possible with only native Jira functionality.

Rodrigo Xavier May 2, 2024

Thank you very much for your help @Trudy Claspill . I had already done that, and it didn't work. It displays an error stating that I do not have permission or the issue does not exist.
But with your tip I managed to use parentSummary

project = "PROJECT_NAME" AND component in (Audit)) AND ((resolution = unresolved)) and parentSummary ~"SUMMARY"

Trudy Claspill
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May 2, 2024

The error you received suggests that there may have been an error in how you wrote the JQL. Can you share the actual JQL statement you used?

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Rodrigo Xavier May 3, 2024

Exactly as you said @Trudy Claspill , I must have been typing something wrong, that's the only explanation.
Now the filter is as you mentioned.

project = "LPBR ICT" AND resolution = Unresolved AND component IN (Auditoria,IRM) AND parent = LPBRI-2488


Thank you very much again my friend.

Trudy Claspill
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May 4, 2024

I'm glad I could help you 

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