JQL query to fetch issuetype story, task, bug for one project from list of projects based on labels

Sadhana Viswanathan
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May 24, 2024

Hi all,

I'm using this JQL query to fetch stories, bugs & tasks for a list of projects:

issuetype in (story, Bug, Task) AND project in ("Project1", "Project2", "Project3", "Project4") AND status in (done, DONE) AND resolved >= startOfDay(-730) ORDER BY resolved Desc

but I want to fetch only those stories, bugs & tasks for Project3 that has labels "label1" & "label2"
I know I can independently fetch it by using:

issuetype in (story, Bug, Task) AND project = "Project3" AND labels in (labe1, label2) AND status in (done, DONE) AND resolved >= startOfDay(-730) ORDER BY resolved Desc

How can I merge these two queries into one?

Thank you in advance!!

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Trudy Claspill
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May 24, 2024

Hello @Sadhana Viswanathan 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Try this:

issuetype in (story, Bug, Task) AND (project in ("Project1", "Project2", "Project4") or (project = "Project3" AND labels in (labe1, label2))) AND status in (done, DONE) AND resolved >= startOfDay(-730) ORDER BY resolved Desc


Sadhana Viswanathan
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 24, 2024

Thank you, Trudy!! worked for me :) 

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karim -Atlassway-
Marketplace Partner
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May 29, 2024

Hi @Sadhana Viswanathan ,


Using Colored Label Manager you can visualize your labels with at-a-glance quickness to save time and avoid mistake - Make your issues more colorful

Allow your team to define their labels, cleanup and organize them quickly with bulk powerful functionality .

Issue by labels report.png


Atlassway Team

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