JQL only the last sprint an issue was part of

Bart Kerstens August 11, 2022

For sprint demo's we use a confluence page that collects all issues that were in a specific sprint. (JQL -> "Sprint = {{SprintNumber}}" )

We use the specific sprintnumber, so we can look back to see what was done in a certain sprint. 

But JIRA remembers all sprints that an issue was in. Is there a way to only use the last sprint an issue was part of?

Because now when an issue is moved from e.g. Sprint 5 to Sprint 6, it will show up in the JQL of both Confluence demopages, because both sprint 5 and 6 are present. 

So is there a way to only show this issue in the JQL for sprint 6 and not 5? 

Something like '<=' is not allowed when filtering for sprints.


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Ste Wright
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January 14, 2023

Hi @Bart Kerstens 

Just in case you're still looking for this answer, this isn't possible natively, as far as I know.

There is a feature request you can vote for/watch though - see: JSWCLOUD-12432 


You could also look for an App which provides additional JQL functions - such as:

For example, both of the Apps above offer a previousSprint function you could use for this!


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